I am looking at preparing a presentation for this next year called, “The Coming of the Millennials” or “When a Immigrant hires a Native” With my age and birth date, I am considered a millennial and a digital native.I work under a Gen-Xer and a Baby Boomer and how each of sees the world is amazing, each of us have our unique perspective and the way we approach things is much different then I would approach with a group of my same-aged peers.
I have decided to call my blog SRS 2.0 because after attending the NECC conference in Atlanta, I have this renewed effort to look at my teaching in a totally different way. How do I take the millennial student and make their learning ready to establish global citizenship? I have a degree in International Studies this should be easy but in fact, I am finding it difficult to take care of it on my own.
Hopefully this blog will inspire a conversation with other millennial, or maybe that Gen-Xer who just hired their first millennial. What fun we will have this coming school year.
I have decided to call my blog SRS 2.0 because after attending the NECC conference in Atlanta, I have this renewed effort to look at my teaching in a totally different way. How do I take the millennial student and make their learning ready to establish global citizenship? I have a degree in International Studies this should be easy but in fact, I am finding it difficult to take care of it on my own.
Hopefully this blog will inspire a conversation with other millennial, or maybe that Gen-Xer who just hired their first millennial. What fun we will have this coming school year.