Osseo Area Schools | Technology Integration Specialist
Osseo, Minnesota | 2008 - Present
- Help create processes to manage 7,500 student iPads through deployment, maintenance, and summer collection.
- Lead project to align curricular resources to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) NETS*T and seek the ISTE NETS Seal of Alignment.
- Collaboratively worked to provide training to over 1,500 district teachers in iPad integration and Schoology.
- Implemented and created a professional development program for district-wide blogs (WordPressMU) and Google Apps for Education for over 3,000 staff 20,000 students.
St. Raphael's School | Director of Technology
Crystal, Minnesota | 2005 - 2008
- Established with administration expectations for technology-integrated instruction for all subject areas and grade levels.
- Introduced communication models including blogs and online grades to assist teachers as they communicated with families.
- Created the Spring Fling and TechTober Fest to assist other Technology Coordinators in the St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese.