I just returned from NECC yesterday, the long flight coupled with the intensity of the conference sent me straight to bed for several hours to recoup sleep. So today I thought to return to my computer and participate in Leadership Day 2008.
I am convinced that I drove St. Raphael's Chief Learner nuts (and I mean NUTS) by saying, "Either you get it or you don't." I always put her in the 'get it' category. That particular statement started two years ago when I took a group of teachers and the principal to Oak-Land Junior High to look at integrated technology instruction. The view of teaching and learning changed instantly, as that evening in my voice mailbox the principal left me a message that effectively launched SRS from a 20th century school to a 21st century school.
The post could get lengthy if I decided to write out the entire story, but in short there are 10 things that explains how after two years I figured out what I really meant when I said, "you get it."
I am convinced that I drove St. Raphael's Chief Learner nuts (and I mean NUTS) by saying, "Either you get it or you don't." I always put her in the 'get it' category. That particular statement started two years ago when I took a group of teachers and the principal to Oak-Land Junior High to look at integrated technology instruction. The view of teaching and learning changed instantly, as that evening in my voice mailbox the principal left me a message that effectively launched SRS from a 20th century school to a 21st century school.
The post could get lengthy if I decided to write out the entire story, but in short there are 10 things that explains how after two years I figured out what I really meant when I said, "you get it."
- Try the tools as well.
- Allow time for sharing.
- Celebrate the success and recognize the times it doesn't work.
- Be innovative.
- Share excitement and enthusiasm with others.
- Research, read, and blog too.
- Take risks.
- Encourage creativity and collaboration.
- Enjoy the moment.
- Mold the teacher's wings and let fly.